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Curbing Employee Turnover

Curbing Employee Turnover

Companies need diverse groups of employees to work cohesively in order to make the business succeed. One of the best ways to grow this cohesion is by reducing employee turnover. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can keep your employees productive and willing to work for you each year.

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Payment Methods

Payment Methods

Let’s face it: Cash is outdated and has been for some time. So how do you get your money in a safe, timely manner? In this article we take a look at possible payment methods and weigh the benefits against the drawbacks.

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Accounting Trends and Technology

Accounting Trends and Technology

The field of accounting has been especially influenced by the advancement of technology in the workspace. In this article, we discuss the changing field of accounting, how technology benefits the accountant and common services used by accounting firms.

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Automate AP Today

Automate AP Today

During a pandemic, the longer you wait to automate, the more you risk your department becoming obsolete. Even though times are challenging, the time is now to automate more of your operations.

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AP Fraud Part 3: Kickbacks

AP Fraud Part 3: Kickbacks

Anytime you find out an employee is committing fraud in your company, it hurts. For our last entry in our three-part series, we’re going to cover a source of fraud that sometimes hits on a more personal level–kickbacks.

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