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Challenges in the AP Process

Challenges in the AP Process

The accounts payable section of our business is typically strenuous on our eyes and minds. After a few hours, numbers begin to switch places, things go missing, and we feel like we are losing our minds. A perfect example of why transposition in the most common accounting error. A switch between two digits can cause hours of confusion and miscommunication. Today we’ll be going over the most common mistakes made in accounts payable.

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Multitenant Database Options

Multitenant Database Options

Embrace Your Expansion with Better Database Options Thoughtful business man looking at a database on a board and trying to solve a problem No matter how much we love buying up Mediterranean and Baltic Avenue and slapping those hotels down, we’re not going to win...

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Automate AP And Work Smart Again

Automate AP And Work Smart Again

Like many of you over the past year, your humble blogger has had to do more than a few work-related tasks at home. “Great! No commute! More time for me!” Ah, yes. But not so fast there, chief. For more and more of us, it ended up being something more like this:...

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What are the best online payment solutions?

What are the best online payment solutions?

Online payment methods are regularly used around the world. The only difference between how you pay and how your customers pay around the world is the norms of their geographic location. Below are the most popular forms of online payment based upon the region of the...

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Fintech Changes the Way Businesses Interact

Fintech Changes the Way Businesses Interact

You may think that your life is not affected by financial technology but it’s all around us. Fintech is using new software and technology to change the way people pay for things and is the driving force behind the advances in cryptocurrency. These services are available to your business and are a healthy investment to make for the future.

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