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A Guide to Modern Vendor Relationship Management

A Guide to Modern Vendor Relationship Management

If you’re a business owner, the back end of your business is likely the last thing on your mind. But one of the most important aspects of growing your company is how well vendors and suppliers are managed. This is where Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) comes in.

VRM is a strategy for managing vendor relationships that ensures you have the right inventory, pay the best price, and get the highest quality possible. VRM aims to improve procurement efficiency and profitability by ensuring that suppliers meet your needs. VRM includes managing your inventory, contracts, and other business processes. It also includes developing a strategy for when and how to change suppliers based on their performance and evaluating the quality of products and services provided by each supplier. A successful VRM strategy helps you manage costs while improving efficiency.

Vendor relationship management (VRM) doesn’t have to be complicated—and if done correctly, it can help make both sides more efficient and profitable by streamlining processes and reducing costs associated with procurement. Here are some ways to modernize your vendor relationship management to take your business success to the next level.

Having an automated and streamlined way to manage your vendors

It’s important to have an automated way to manage your vendors. This will help you:

  • Monitor their performance more effectively, so you can pay only for the services you receive.
  • Reduce the risk of making a bad vendor decision (e.g., choosing a company that does not deliver on its promises).
  • Improve efficiency by eliminating duplicate data entry and manual processes that can lead to costly errors or delays in payment processing.

A streamlined vendor management system provides a single place to store all information about your vendors and gives you the ability to track key performance indicators across various departments within the organization.

A good vendor management system can lead to significant benefits for your organization by allowing you to understand the performance of your vendors better. This type of solution can help you manage risks and make adjustments as needed so that your end customers are satisfied with their experience. With greater visibility into how your vendors perform on key metrics such as quality, order fill rate, and delivery times, you’ll have an easier time identifying areas where they need improvement.

However, the result will depend on many factors, including:

  • Your organization’s current resources and capabilities
  • The size of your vendor network
  • The complexity of your vendor relationships (for example, if you’re dealing with multiple vendors across different geographic locations)

Assess and analyze your contracts

You should regularly assess and analyze your contracts to ensure you get the most out of them. To accomplish this, use technology to make it easier for you to manage your contracts. Here are some features that will help:

  • Centralized system – A centralized system will allow you to keep all of your contracts in one place. It also makes it easier for employees across departments or geographies to access them from any device with an internet connection, even when they’re not in the office.
  • Easy-to-use interface – The system should be easy for all users—including contractors and third parties—to navigate without needing special training or knowledge about how modern vendor relationship management works.
  • Flexible pricing model – Make sure there’s a payment structure that works best for both parties (e.g., a flat monthly fee) so neither side feels taken advantage of by the other party after agreeing on terms initially during the contract negotiations process).
  • Scalable service – Look for an option that scales up or down as your needs change over time, so you’re not paying for more than what you use.
  • Secure data storage – Ensure all information is securely stored and encrypted so that no one who isn’t authorized has access. This includes sensitive information about your company’s internal operations, finances, or employees.

Using modern vendor relationship management software is a great way for companies to keep track of their vendor contracts, streamline processes related to those agreements (e.g., payment processing), and make it easier for everyone involved with the contract negotiations process).

Benchmark the performance of your vendors

Benchmarking—the process of comparing a vendor’s performance to that of other vendors in the same industry—is a powerful tool for ensuring that you’re getting what you pay for. You can use benchmarking to determine how well your vendor is doing and identify areas where they can improve.

It is especially important for companies with multiple vendors because it allows them to compare their performance against each other. This helps ensure that all of your vendors are performing at an acceptable level, and, if not, where they need improvement.

Benchmarking can be done in several ways. One common method is to gather information about each vendor and then compare that data with other vendors in the same industry. You might look at everything from their location, size, and number of employees to their sales volume and profitability. By analyzing this information, you’ll better understand how your vendor compares against similar organizations.

Identify opportunities for improving vendor performance

The first step to improving vendor performance is identifying the opportunities for doing so. Several tools exist that can help you with this, but one common approach is to use a performance dashboard—a visual display of the current state of a process or system. You can track and measure your vendor’s performance at any time by looking at their dashboards and scorecards on your management system.

In addition to measuring their daily activity, it also allows you to see how much revenue they generate for your business and what kind of ROI they’re getting from their services. If necessary, you can even go back through previous reviews and compare them against current ones (or vice versa).

Assign roles in your team to improve accountability

We’ve established that vendor relationship management is a complex process and requires a team of people to ensure its success. To keep things running smoothly, you’ll want to develop an organizational structure that clearly defines each person’s role. The following are some suggested positions:

  • Vendor Relationship Manager (VRM) – This is your main point of contact for managing relationships with vendors. They will be responsible for communicating with vendors, handling contracts and invoices, etc.
  • Vendor Relationship Manager Assistant (VRMA) – The VRMA acts as an assistant to the VRM, performing many of their duties while also taking on additional tasks such as reporting or research projects.

The VRMA and their assistant are responsible for the day-to-day management of vendor relationships. They will work closely with vendors to ensure their needs are met on time.

Create a single, centralized platform for all vendors

The most important thing you can do is create a single, centralized platform for all vendors. A good vendor relationship management system serves as your central hub for all things vendor-related:

  • Assign contracts to vendors and track their performance over time—and even get alerts when they reach certain milestones
  • Keep tabs on the history of your purchases with each company so that if you ever need to compare what you paid last year versus this year or last quarter against this quarter, you’ll have an easy time finding it
  • Create spreadsheets and reports based on data from these contracts

This helps you get a better handle on which vendors are performing at their best and which ones might need improvement. It’s about providing better customer service by streamlining processes and improving communication between everyone involved.

In addition to keeping track of contracts, vendor relationship management systems allow you to set up purchase orders and track their progress. This is important because purchases can be expensive—especially if they involve multiple vendors—and having a way for everyone involved to stay on top of what’s going on. This means that things get done faster and more efficiently. Plus, it gives you peace of mind knowing that everything is handled correctly at every step.

Vendor relationship management software allows companies to keep track of their internal and external relationships with vendors. But how does it benefit your business? Vendor management systems help businesses manage all aspects of their vendor relationships in one place, making it easy to see which suppliers are performing well and which ones need improvement. The system keeps the information about vendors organized by creating a single centralized platform where everything can be stored and accessed at any time.

Set up a renewal reminder process to ensure that you never miss a renewal date

You don’t want any surprises when it comes time to renew. Whether it’s a new contract or renewal of an existing agreement, you’ll need to ensure that all parties are on board with the same stipulations and terms before signing anything.

Never miss a renewal date. This seems like an obvious tip, but it’s important to note that most contracts have an expiration date. Set up a process for renewing your contracts with customers so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities to continue working together in the future.

There are several ways to make this happen:

  • Use a CRM system to keep track of renewal dates. This is the most automated option and will ensure that every renewal date gets into your system with plenty of time for you or another team member to review it before it expires.
  • Set up calendar reminders for yourself (and other sales team members) with tight lead times before each contract ends so that you remember when it’s time to renew the agreement and look out for potential new opportunities.
  • Create a spreadsheet that lists all of your contracts by customer and then include columns where people can note whether there are special circumstances around these contracts, such as an upcoming expiration date or the need for additional documentation from them before signing on again.

Conduct regular and ongoing assessment of your vendors’ performance levels

When you’re building a team of vendors, it’s important to assess and monitor their performance levels regularly. This is a crucial part of ensuring the people you are working with are as good as they need to be for your business to succeed. It also helps keep everyone on the same page regarding expectations, so there aren’t any surprises down the line.

You should conduct regular assessments for all of your vendors, regardless of how long they have been with you or how much work they do for your company. The best way to do this is by asking yourself these questions:

  • How often should I evaluate vendor performance?
  • How do I measure this?
  • What happens if I find a problem?

You can also look at these four areas as part of your evaluation process:

1) How well does the vendor work with other vendors and employees on your team? 

2) Is their work meeting all project goals, or are there any issues that need to be addressed? 

3) Do they have a good customer service and client satisfaction record?

4) Are there any other vendors that could do better work for less money?

Vendor relationship management is crucial and can be improved with technology

Vendor relationship management is an important part of running a company. It can be improved by using technology to improve vendor performance.

Vendor performance analytics can help you understand if your vendors are meeting their contractual obligations and delivering on time. As a result, you can better manage them and make informed decisions about whether or not to continue working with them.

This will help you create stronger relationships between your company and its vendors, leading to more efficient workflows and higher employee satisfaction because everyone is on the same page about what needs to get done and when.

When a company invests in vendor relationship management software, they invest in their future. The right solution will make it easier for vendors to communicate with each other and work together on projects. This means that your business can operate more efficiently because there is less time spent dealing with misunderstandings or miscommunications between departments – all while saving money by ensuring everyone understands what they need to do.


The key takeaway from this guide is that vendor relationship management is crucial and can be improved with technology. By using a centralized platform to manage your vendors, you’ll be able to assess their performance easily, benchmark it against industry standards, identify opportunities for improving performance levels, assign roles within your team, set up automated alerts, and more.

A Guide to AP Automation: Best Practices and Expert Recommendations

A Guide to AP Automation: Best Practices and Expert Recommendations

Bringing an accounts payable (AP) conversion project to a satisfactory conclusion can be a simple and gratifying task.

The AP team must exhibit powerful, proactive command, as with any successful endeavor, and there must be a considerable threshold of preparedness, dedication, and cooperation from multiple organizational stakeholders. Such work is worthwhile considering the total productivity, insight, and economic advantages that an effective AP automation project may bring.

Here are some tips for digitizing accounts payable, including what helps and doesn’t. Let’s examine a few expert suggestions and best practices for making the most use of your approach.

Analyze the AP Operations’ Existing Situation

The installation of AP automation should focus on solving the existing AP problems. For instance, a core competency that needs access to additional information may perform numerous procedures simultaneously. Understanding your present system and how it might improve from automating would allow you to fully analyze business terrain since, using AP automation, both operations and datasets are accessible and computerized.

Before implementing, look for easy results by considering present constraints and company objectives.

Select the Best AP Automation Service

When weighing your options, consider the following points:

AP automation objectives

Do you want to cut down on data input, system administration dashboards, or benefit from early-pay price reductions? For example, automatic invoicing collection, powerful accounting software, and data management are important aspects to check for when choosing a solution. Be aware that not every AP automation system provides complete automation; instead, they use external AP centers to manually encode your accounts, which slows down the procedure and increases the likelihood of mistakes.

A careful price comparison

Think about the cost and characteristics which each system promises while thoroughly examining costs. The least expensive option could include restrictions on access to essential services like assistance or data management and monthly invoicing. You may take the necessary procedures to receive a draft agreement ensuring that both the source and you know the cost that would be most suitable.

Functions that minimize theft

Make sure the option you select decreases your chances of malpractices by facilitating cooperation and limiting exposure to private data via integrated internal command systems for accounts payable. Such is the strategy to stop damages inside your private business from exceeding the reported $7 billion companies suffer from fraud each year.

Opt for future-proof technology 

Both today, and then in the hereafter, the ideal approach should be effective. What would take place if you processed 25% more payments than usual? Does the technology you chose continue to work, or do you need to move to a different model? If companies transfer ERPs, would the AP automation system still operate? Then again, certain AP automated processes prioritize transactions above invoicing. To determine whether the benefits outweigh the costs of the company’s demands, evaluate the service’s existing and anticipated focuses.

Step-wise Automation

The accounts payable system has several aspects that should be digitized, but you must be mindful of picking the appropriate automation procedures to implement. One may conserve funds and labor by evaluating the related parts of your AP workflow where such automation is needed and by adopting them appropriately in a stepwise method. Additionally, rather than tackling the process thoughtlessly, you can entirely establish one specific part, like the switch to online invoices and e-payments, fewer physical records, performance strategies, etc.

Additionally, assigning your workers to many automated duties at once may confuse them. When introducing the employees to relatively new automation techniques, let them become comfortable with a certain number of automated operations. By doing this, it is ensured that there will be zero confusion among the staff, and so the transfer will go smoothly. 

Activate Auto-saving Processes

Even though automated processes conserve time at work, manual input is still necessary at some stages. Enabling auto-saving and auto-login might help users spare time and be quite convenient. Users may additionally use advanced automation techniques to ensure that all material is securely recorded and that all pertinent business papers are continuously transferred into the network through digital information storage solutions.

Integration of document management automation tools like Active Directory, SAML, etc., seems to be another stride to boost the model’s performance. One might also consider adopting single sign-on (SSO) to let users safely yet automatically authenticate themselves with their passwords. These technologies would offer a great way to cut down on delays and guarantee that the required outcomes quickly.


Accounts If the other processes are not automated, payable automation alone may not be of much use. This applies to all supporting platforms, customer support, and clients or providers. Therefore, it’s essential to design any additional systems and ensure they give digital files for simple entry into another automated AP network. Enterprise resource planning (ERP), order fulfillment, and other related monetary systems are a few areas where it may be helpful.

For suppliers, most AP software enables the creation of provider-accessible gateways to support self-service. By incorporating this into your network, companies will save time because they can quickly track the progress of their accounts and find explanations to frequently asked questions via the site directly. To achieve end-to-end automation and maximize profits, it is crucial to integrate the secondary processes.

Best Practices For AP Automation Implementation

To save you time and effort, we’ve put together a selection of the best practices for accounts payable automation that you should use to keep it functional and productive.

1. Get Your Staff Involved

When you bring automation techniques into a company, little opposition is unavoidable. However, each respondent of the financial team must support and be a dedicated participant in the program for the automated approach to be fruitful. Most imposed change initiatives risk negating any potential advantages of the automated procedures. Therefore, it is wise to discuss with staff members and let them see how it will simplify their lives.

Try to notice any challenges that may arise within your team with such automated systems and try taking prompt, decisive action to address the problems. By recording such concerns and comments, you can fully understand the integral aspects that need to be prioritized to solve the users’ genuine difficulties. When the automated process has been implemented, make sure to conduct periodic inspections of the system and adjust it as necessary for successful outcomes.

2. Appoint A Program Manager To Oversee The Workflow

It might be challenging to switch from manual to automated accounts payable processes. Therefore, it is essential to have a committed individual who serves as the key point of access for every one of the software company’s operations. The individual will be in charge of streamlining the automated processes and keeping lines of communication open with all organizational stakeholders to guarantee that any potential problems are fixed immediately.

In addition to keeping an eye on and optimizing operations, a project manager may also be entrusted with creating periodic reports and strategies to enhance the framework so that it may be adjusted to retain the best capacity in all different situations. Since automation is a computer methodology, upgrading the mechanism in real life seems to be the only way to maintain consistency in consistency and control. The project manager is indispensable in this regard.

3. Make Sure Learners Receive Expert Instructions

Even though automation calls for little to no user interference, the operations still need human oversight and knowledge. Untrained staff members could cause substantial expenditures due to system impairment, delays, or malfunctions if they are not knowledgeable as to how the mechanism operates. Therefore, it’s necessary to ensure that the appropriate workers receive competent training using automation technologies.

Additionally, real-time statistics and recommendations are available at the flick of a switch from automation software. To extract the maximum power of the automated systems, it is essential to keep the team informed with these real-time statistics and modify the system in response to feedback. Always keep an eye on such information and use it for learning.

4. Establish Specialized Processes

Once there is a defined procedural strategy that assigns every worker a particular role, the automation approach can run as efficiently as possible. This assures that there are no misunderstandings and that the staff can function effectively without any interpersonal issues, especially when there are pressing schedules. Additionally, workers may become capable of handling additional work without degrading the performance and production values.

Each staff member has a specific role, making it difficult for them to avoid their duties. They can also be made responsible for the job they were assigned. A defined role also ensures that someone will be held accountable and enables you to prod that person to do the task immediately. 

The Takeaway

To increase system performance and accuracy, the automation process substitutes robots for labor-intensive human tasks. Yet, if the shift to automated processes is not supported by a transformation in the linked elements, such as educated staff, software integration, and digital accounting, it is difficult to be sustainable. It is critical to note that these procedures require the best practices to ensure smooth operation.

Traditional payable process vs. accounts payable automation

Traditional payable process vs. accounts payable automation

The accounts payable process is often perceived as a cycle of making payments to vendors and tracking them throughout the month until they are repaid. This is how traditional accounts payables are completed. However, there are many advantages of companies adopting an automation system to process their monthly financial transactions.

Sure, both of these accounts payable processes have lots in common. Both are about getting the right checks into the right hands. But there are plenty of differences as well.

And if you want to understand how accounts payable automation works differently than traditional payables, you need to compare the two processes closely. That’s what we’ll do here, kind of like a blog post version of dueling banjos!

Problem — The traditional accounts payable process is manual, involves paper, and often requires multiple people

The accounts payable process is a necessary evil. It’s a necessary evil because we have to pay our bills on time. But it’s an evil because it’s time-consuming, tedious, and requires multiple people to complete the process when done traditionally.

You might have one person who enters invoices into your system, another who approves them, and someone else who issues the check. Sometimes, you may even have a separate department to manage accounts payable.

Automated accounts payable software streamlines this process by automating many of the manual steps involved, allowing you to spend less time on administrative work and more time growing your business.

Solution with AP Automation — Accounts payable automation is handled electronically by a piece of software

With accounts payable automation, you don’t need to send out bills or checks to vendors or suppliers. Instead, the program will automatically process invoices and issue payments after they’ve been approved.

The software collects all relevant information, such as invoices, purchase orders, and receipts, and automatically applies the information to the accounts payable ledger. It’s much more efficient than traditional methods because it cuts down on paper and manual labor.

The software may be cloud-based, meaning it can be accessed from any computer or device with an internet connection. Accounts payable automation systems are typically used by businesses with more than one employee who needs access to accounts payable transactions and data.

Now, having your entire AP process handled by sophisticated software comes with some benefits, including:

  • Centralized database
  • Single source of truth for all financial data
  • Audit trail
  • Elimination of post-payment costs

Problem — Traditional processes require time-consuming data entry

Traditionally, AP departments are required to enter invoice payments into their ERP system manually. This means that you need someone with accounting knowledge in your organization who has access to the information systems necessary to enter each payment. In addition, these individuals must also be able to access and update purchase orders, invoices, and other documents associated with your AP processes.

Although some organizations may use Excel spreadsheets or other tools for these tasks, these tools aren’t designed for large-scale operations like those found within an AP department. These tools also don’t provide any automation capabilities — they’re simply used to store data temporarily before it’s manually entered into another system.

This process is time-consuming and prone to errors. It also requires employees to spend time every day collecting and entering information into the system, which they could be spending on more productive tasks.

Solution with AP Automation —Automation allows documents to be scanned and converted into readable files without data entry

Traditional processes require time-consuming data entry, manual reconciliation, and workarounds that add cost and complexity.

Accounts payable automation can simplify your process by automating the entire process from invoice receipt to payment.

New automation technology is transforming how companies process accounts payable. Automated processes are helping businesses capture more accurate data and make faster payments, ultimately reducing their risk exposure.

Automation is key to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your business’s accounts payable function — but it’s not just about getting rid of manual data entry or speeding up your AP process. Automation offers real benefits beyond the obvious ones, like faster payments and fewer errors.

Once your organization has implemented an automated system, you can expect to see faster payment processing, fewer errors, and more consistent compliance with vendor terms and conditions.

Problem — Manual data entry results in more mistakes and inaccuracies during the accounts payable process

Manual data entry is prone to mistakes and inaccuracies because it involves many different parties and departments.

For example, if you have 100 vendors with the same name but different addresses, the manual process requires the same information to be entered into the system multiple times.

If you’re not double-checking each invoice before entering it, there’s a good chance you’ll make mistakes when entering the invoice into your system or even on the invoice itself. For example, if an invoice has been entered for $100, but it was actually for $200, you’ll end up paying $200 instead of $100 — and then have to try to get the money back later.

This can cause many problems, like:

  • Missing invoices: It’s also possible that your system won’t pick up a missing invoice because it wasn’t entered correctly in the first place. This can cause delays in getting paid and result in late fees or penalties being applied to your account.
  • Inaccurate payment dates: If your system isn’t set up correctly, it might not be able to process payments on time because they were entered incorrectly or the wrong dates were used when entering them into the system (for example, if you entered an invoice as being due on January 1st but it actually should have been due on January 5th).

Solution with AP Automation — Automation lessens the risk of mistakes because it automatically populates specific fields within an invoice or purchase order

Many companies are turning to accounts payable automation solutions to streamline their processes and save time and money, which makes it easier to track expenses, pay vendors, and manage cash flow.

This ensures that data is complete and accurate before being sent to an accounts payable clerk, who then has to check it manually (if they even have time). Once approved, the payment can automatically be issued without human intervention or error.

For example, if you want to pay for a purchase order that includes several line items for different amounts, you can designate which fields represent each item. The automation takes care of the rest by automatically filling in all these fields with the correct information from your spreadsheet.

Section: Companies that use manual processes need people to do that work

The accounts payable process is a key part of the larger operational cycle and can be one of the most time-consuming and costly processes for companies.

These companies also need to pay those people, which means they must keep track of who’s doing what, and when they’re getting paid. And, as you might imagine, this can get complicated pretty quickly.

Accounts payable is one of the oldest departments in a business. It’s been around for hundreds of years, but it hasn’t always been a smooth process. In fact, accounts payable was originally a paper-based system that required manual data entry and processing.

For example, let’s say you have a business with 100 employees who work in different departments throughout your organization (across marketing, accounting, sales, and operations). You want to pay them all at once by electronic check or direct deposit into their bank account. If your company only has one employee who handles all payroll tasks manually (which is common), then this process could take several hours each week because they need to:

  • Gather all employee information from various sources such as Excel spreadsheets or paper files
  • Enter each employee’s information into the payroll system manually
  • Print out checks or deposit slips for each employee

As technology has become advanced and more affordable, businesses have started using accounts payable automation software to streamline this process and make it much more efficient.

Automating accounts payable can save your business time, money, and effort

With automation, there’s no need to hire people to do the work that AP software can do for you or pay overtime for the work that needs to be done on a tight deadline. Automating AP also makes it easier for companies to track their spending and prevent overspending on items like travel expenses or equipment purchases.

When it comes to accounts payable automation, there are two main ways that businesses can go about it:

  • Automation through an AP system – This is a software solution that plugs into your existing ERP system and handles much of the process of paying vendors and suppliers on behalf of your company. It will also handle invoice validation, reconciliation, and payment processing requirements.
  • Automation through a vendor – There are also companies who offer an outsourced option where they take care of all aspects of their client’s accounts payable processes, including invoice verification, reconciliation, and payment processing requirements. 

Takeaway — Automating your accounts payable process is the way to go!

The accounts payable process is one of the fastest-growing areas of automation in the enterprise. The primary reason for this is simple: it’s a significant cost center for most businesses, and automating it can help you save money.

So, if you’re thinking of going all in with AP automation software in your workplace, you need to choose from the following categories:

  • Payables automation software — This software automates the entire accounts-payable process, from invoice generation through approval, payment, and reporting.
  • Accounts payable automation solutions — These are solutions that automate some aspects of the accounts-payable process but not all. For example, an AP automation solution might generate an invoice but require you to enter data manually into fields such as purchase order number or supplier name.
  • Payables automation tools — These are tools that automate only one aspect of an invoice or purchase order — for example, they might let you generate a purchase order online. Still, they don’t integrate with other systems such as ERP or accounting software.

From what we’ve seen and heard, many businesses have chosen to automate their business processes, ranging from marketing to payroll. Businesses everywhere are always looking for ways to reduce costs; automating business functions can help organizations do just that.

Of course, it’s up to you which is the best option and which makes the most sense for your organization. As we’ve seen, many benefits go along with using AP automation software. Hopefully, this article has made AP automation a more attractive option for your business. Make sure to carry out due diligence before investing in an AP automation software for your business.

The Ultimate Guide to Accounts Payable Process Automation

The Ultimate Guide to Accounts Payable Process Automation

A manual accounts payable process can be time-consuming and susceptible to mistakes. Continuing to work through stacks of invoices, personally contacting approvers, and mailing checks is time-consuming, exposes the organization to fraud, and makes audits difficult. Accounts payable automation allows companies to process supplier invoices without human interference by offering a digital workflow to manage processes that were traditionally performed by an Accounts payable clerk.

Systems-based accounts payable automation begins with digitizing invoice data, typically by a scanning or capture technology – for example, optical character recognition (OCR).

Accounts payable automation can offer your company substantially reduced expenses and minimize manual labor. Businesses may optimize their vendor portfolio, eliminate duplicate or incorrect payments, and benefit from early payment discounts.

What is Accounts Payable?

Accounts Payable is the debts your company must repay within specified time frames. Since it is a short-term debt, it falls under liabilities in your balance sheets. The amount of AP on a company’s balance sheet is significant. If accounts payable rises over what kit was earlier, the business is using credit rather than cash to purchase more products and services. If a company’s AP declines, it indicates that it is paying off its debts from earlier periods quicker than acquiring new goods and services using credit. 

Managing accounts payable is important for regulating a company’s financial flow.

To a certain extent, the company may influence the firm’s cash flow through AP. For instance, management might stretch the time it takes for the company to pay all outstanding AP bills if they wish to raise cash reserves for a given period. The continuous ties the business has with its suppliers must be considered when evaluating this option to pay later.

Why Should You Automate Your Accounts Payable?

As its name indicates, accounts payable automation refers to the technology that automates the manual components of accounts payable. Most process automation aims to act faster, decrease mistakes, and facilitate easy company growth. With all that being said, you still have to invest in automation. Here are the reasons AP automation is a necessity for your company’s expansion:

Saves Time

Think about how automation may increase the output of your staff. In manual processing, data for invoices is recorded in standard accounts payable procedure before being sent for assessment and approval. Due to human error, this manual invoice payment cycle frequently causes data inaccuracies, lack of visibility, and delayed answers. By automating your accounts payable workflow operations, you may cut down on the repetitive tasks like data entry and back and forth that used to occur with administrative duties and simplify the digital validation of invoices against data from purchase orders, contracts, and delivered products.

Saves Money

For manual processes like printing checks and gathering approvals, businesses with high payment volumes often invest significant resources. The manual accounts payable procedure involves plenty of expenditures. You must pay for the overhead charges of your staff and the cost of processing checks and invoices. Automating this process allows businesses to use quicker payment methods and drastically reduce processing times.

Payment delays can harm suppliers’ goodwill and result in slower delivery times, a reduced readiness to rectify flaws and a delayed response time to inquiries. With AP automation software, your accounts payable team can decide when to pay vendors, freeing up working capital and enabling AP departments to benefit from early-pay supplier discounts. You’ll increase your cost savings and operational efficiency by digitizing as many procedures as you can.

Reduces Error

AP is more prone to errors due to the overwhelming amount of invoices being processed. Errors may raise operating costs, affect cash flow, and ultimately damage vendor relationships. Using cloud computing allows you to have centralized access to data, ensuring the safe storage of valuable documents. With the help of OCR technology, you can input large volumes of data without errors and redundancy. Automation also helps you in directing your current resources into high-priority projects like fast closing and late payment prevention.

Increases Invoice Processing Visibility

Only authorized parties will see critical information when you automate your accounts payable procedures. The accounts payable reports, for instance, may be automated to quickly identify which payments are overdue, which invoices are expiring, the standard approval time, the standard time it would take to pay an invoice after approval, and other crucial information. You know precisely when and where problems occur, and you will always have access to the information you need to fix them.

Hybridize Work Environments

Users may access saved files anytime they want and from anywhere as long as they have a connection to the internet and the proper login credentials. Your employees can work in the comfort of their homes without traveling to get any necessary paperwork. 

Accounting Compliance

Your company has to adhere to compliance rules and provide recorded audit trails. Without the proper mechanisms to strictly regulate procedures and data, some information could be missed, and fraudulent conduct could go unnoticed.

Automation ensures that approval protocols are followed, establishes a paper trail from the invoice to the payment, and gives access for payments only to authorized people. 

How to Find Suitable Automation Solutions

Choosing the ideal accounts payable automation software for your business or organization might be difficult. You want to work with an accounts payable automation software provider that you can rely on to automate your AP properly and effectively. What features should you look for in an AP automation software provider and its products?

  • Does it integrate with your existing Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Is it user-friendly and easy to use
  • How efficiently it converts paper documents into electronic data
  • gives visibility into the status of invoices in the workflow or approval process and follows the invoice trail.
  • Automates repetitive accounts payable tasks like data entry
  • Automates 2-way or 3-way matching for invoices, purchase orders, and delivery receipts.
  • Automates approval process
  • Decreases the need for storage and office supplies
  • Increases early pay discounts
  • Provides instant access to documents
  • Process a lot of supplier paperwork, such as invoices or credit notes
  • Allow users to search and obtain AP materials from a centralized data source

Best Practices to Improve Your AP Automation Process

Prompt Entry of Invoices

You may accelerate invoice processing by putting fresh invoices into the system the same day they come. This guarantees that you won’t misplace incoming bills. The only manual job you’ll need to perform to support this AP automation is scanning paper invoices if you have a good automation software solution.

Centralized Data Management 

If you don’t want to lose track of incoming bills, you need a solution to gather and organize all the data in one area. Receiving invoices, and extracting and validating data shouldn’t occur in different locations. It is simple to centralize all accounts payable processes with AP automation software, even if the individuals in charge of certain duties are not physically present in the same place. This greatly simplifies the application of corporate policies and speeds up the processing of accounts payable.

Take Control of Vendor Data

You require a single, definitive list that compiles your vendor data in one location. If you don’t have an appropriate validation procedure, incomplete, fake, or duplicate vendor information may find its way into your system. These kinds of errors put your business at risk for fraud or incorrect payments. With the correct accounts payable automation software, keeping your vendor information current is simpler.

Digitalize Your Records

Large quantities of storage space are required for paper records. Information in paper files is frequently hard to discover and/or takes a long time. You’ll need digital records of every invoice and its processing history to support best practices in AP. Digital documents are safe, simple to search, and less likely to be lost or destroyed than paper records. Your AP automation software should back up and save the data from paper invoices already being scanned into the system for processing. You can effortlessly manage your information by scanning old paper files into the system.

Calculate Tax Liabilities

Finding out that you don’t already have all the information on file is difficult enough during tax season. All the data you need for taxes is readily available thanks to the system of digital records. Additionally, controls included in the automated system ensure correct information, reducing the possibility of delays or other problems brought on by discovering a mistake in your data.


Accounts payable is the most challenging, longest, and paper-intensive administrative and financial task. Most invoices may be processed without manual involvement, thanks to AP automation software, which digitizes the whole process.

We hope you’ve gained some insights about automating accounts payable processes.

How can AP automation help your small business? (What problems does AP automation solve)

How can AP automation help your small business? (What problems does AP automation solve)

Are you a small business owner? Are you tired of managing your business processes manually? No need to worry anymore. Now you can simplify them, organize them and make them more efficient with the help of AP automation tools. These tools also help you accurately measure your business’s performance.

Studies suggest that small businesses are affected most by the slow and manual payment processes. That is because they generally depend on cash which requires approval from the upper hierarchy to make payments in a timely fashion.

The process of approving invoices, paying bills, and tracking expenses can be a time-consuming and tedious task in small business accounting. Often, companies will outsource this entire process to an outside agency, requiring a designated employee within the company to approve all invoices. This system of controls tends to add many steps and delay the payment of legitimate bills, creating excess overhead and endangering cash flow.

This is where AP automation comes in.

Many small businesses are unaware of the benefits of automating their accounting processes. In this article, we will discuss ten problems that can be solved by using AP automation tools:

Help your business grow

Small business owners have a lot to juggle. They have to keep their employees happy, their customers happy, and their finances in check — all while keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in their industry.

To help your company grow, you need to invest in the right software. That’s why automated processes (AP) are valuable to your business: they free up time and resources that can be better used elsewhere. Automating your accounting processes can help you grow your business by optimizing the processes.

  • It will speed up payments, reducing the time it takes to process invoices and payments. This helps your business expand faster by freeing up cash for new projects, investments, hiring, and other initiatives that increase profits.
  • It will reduce the manual work involved in processing invoices and payments, allowing you to focus on more important things like growing your sales pipeline or getting more customers through the door.

That said, small businesses that don’t use these tools are at a major disadvantage regarding productivity, profitability, and scalability. The solutions and tools exist; the real challenge is finding the ones that are right for you, your business, and your goals.

Win over the CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

In the end, you need to win over the CFO.

Your CFOs are concerned with costs and ROI (Return on Investment). What does that mean for you? You need to show how automation will help reduce costs and increase productivity. Then, you can prove that no additional costs are involved in automating some parts of your business.

Finally, as mentioned above, compliance is another important factor in automation. For your company’s financial reports to be accurate and legitimate, they need to comply with industry regulations like GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).

Automate time-consuming tasks

Let’s see how you can automate these tasks:

  • Automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks. You can use automation software to turn manual processes into automated ones. For example, suppose your firm handles a large number of invoices. In that case, you can set up an automated workflow that automatically sends out invoices to clients after the accountant or manager approves them. The software will then take care of automatic payment processing and reconciliation. This saves a lot of time and effort from your staff members who could be using their time for more important things like generating new revenue streams instead!
  • Automate manual data entry. If some fields in your system require lots of data entry, why not let the computer do it? Several features are available in modern business management systems (iBMS) that allow users to enter information once only while ensuring that all other relevant fields get updated automatically too!

Reduce costs

Cost reduction is one of the most obvious benefits of AP automation. For example, you save on costs related to data entry. This includes the cost of hiring an employee to do manual data entry (or outsourcing it), as well as all associated expenses: recruitment and training, health insurance and other benefits, office space etc.

The same goes for manual processing—with AP automation you save time processing invoices by hand. This frees up employees for other tasks or lets them work fewer hours per week (if you opt for a part-time workforce). It also means fewer opportunities for human error or mistakes in general. You can also expect greater accuracy in calculations since automated systems are usually more reliable than their human counterparts!

In addition to this direct cost savings from reduced time spent on manual processes and lower error rates comes indirect savings through increased productivity caused by less wasted effort on repetitive tasks like data entry instead of focusing on higher value activities such as strategic planning or sales calls etc., which take place outside normal working hours anyway.

Increases Supply Chain Transparency

As a business owner, you understand how important it is to have a transparent supply chain. It saves you time, money, and effort. This is why you need automation software that can help you track and trace your inventory. AP automation does this for you.

With AP automation, you can get real-time insights on the following:

  • How much money is coming in at any time
  • How much money is being spent at any time
  • Where your money is going

Real-time insights into your business

This is the most obvious benefit of AP automation. With data available in real time, you’ll be able to make any decision and get immediate results. You won’t have to wait for someone else (like a manager) or your accounting software to provide information on how things are going for you to make decisions – this will allow you to react quickly and efficiently.

The data collected by automated processes can help managers measure progress towards goals, identify areas where improvements need to be made, and keep track of how each employee is performing compared with their peers and other departments within the company as a whole; all without having to wait until month end or another scheduled report date!

Low-Cost Data Storage

A small business can have a large amount of data. And while on-premise storage is cheaper, it comes with its own problems. Cloud storage is more secure and convenient than traditional on-premise storage solutions, making it ideal for small businesses who want to free up time in their day or reduce costs.

Simplify processing of invoices

There are two main areas where invoice automation can help:

  • Automating the process of invoice processing. With this, you’ll save time and effort by eliminating manual steps like entering data into an Excel spreadsheet or emailing invoices to clients. Instead, you can give yourself more time to focus on other important tasks—like growing your business!
  • Automating the process of invoice generation. This is especially useful if you have a large client base or many orders each week. For example, imagine having 500 invoices that need to be generated at once—and all those invoices go through different departments before they reach their final destination (e.g., accounting). That’s a lot of work!

Increase AP productivity

AP automation can help you achieve these goals by improving the productivity of your AP staff. Automation can eliminate manual data entry, which saves time and improves accuracy. It also helps speed up the process for entering transactions, which in turn will reduce risk of fraud and error. Automation can also help improve compliance with policies and regulations such as PCI, SOX or GLBA.

Improve accuracy and efficiency of AP process

Automating the AP process will help you achieve these results:

  • Improved accuracy. This means that you don’t need to worry about errors and mistakes regarding invoices and payments. Your team can focus on other important tasks, like increasing sales or creating new products.
  • Reduced manual intervention. When you automate the invoice processing, you will no longer have to manually check each invoice for errors or inconsistencies before approving it for payment—the software does this work for you! It also helps prevent any issues with payments being late or disputed because all transactions are processed immediately.

Reduce the risk of fraud and error, improve compliance

The first problem that AP automation helps to solve is reducing the risk of fraud and error. When you’re using a manual system, you’re relying on employees to enter data accurately into your accounting software. If they make a mistake or are dishonest, there’s nothing to stop them from entering incorrect information into the system. This can result in serious financial problems for your business in the form of fines or even criminal prosecution if it’s severe enough.

With AP automation tools, you’ll never have to worry about this happening again because every single transaction is automated and approved before being recorded into your accounting software automatically!

Automate manual data entry to improve processing speed

Automating manual data entry can help improve processing speed. This is because it takes less time to complete the same task, and there are fewer errors in the process. It also reduces costs by reducing the need for manual labor, which can be costly.

A good example of this is when you have to enter a single piece of information across multiple systems manually, over and over again: it takes longer with each entry, there are more opportunities for errors due to human error (such as typos), and it’s expensive because you’re paying someone else to do something that could easily be automated.

AP automation can help solve common problems in Accounts Payables

AP automation can help solve common problems in Accounts Payables, including:

  • Manual processing of AP invoices
  • Reconciling AP invoices with the receiving reports
  • Assigning incorrect bills to the correct accounts
  • Missing invoices and payments
  • Duplicate or multiple payments for one invoice
  • Paying off-cycle bills without disrupting other scheduled payments
  • Incomplete or inaccurate data in your AP system
  • Late payments and penalties for non-compliance with payment terms
  • Duplicate receipts for one invoice and payment


We hope that we’ve given you a better idea of what AP automation is and why it could be useful for your business. We know that it’s not always easy to invest in new technology. Still, if you’re struggling with some of the problems we listed above and want to find something that will improve productivity—AP automation might the solution you need!