Accounts Payable Automation

July 13, 2021

OAN Platform of Products

AP Automation for your Enterprise

The accounts payable department in most organizations, has to deal with paper and paperless invoices coming from many different channels with different document formats, and their clerks have to figure out how to process each invoice.

For example, an AP clerk needs to identify if the document received from the vendor is a supplemental document related to an existing invoice or if it’s a new PO or Non-PO-based invoice. Once the document is classified, the document needs to be routed appropriately for processing. For example, Non-PO-based invoices require Users to provide additional information such as accounting information and comments as well as approvals before the invoice can be ready for payment.

This whole process is time-consuming

Accounts payable automation solutions should digitally monitor the invoice, allow companies to store and retrieve an invoice image, choose a predefined workflow for processing, allow Non-PO invoices with simple one-click solutions, and finally allow AP & Non-AP Users to collaborate throughout the lifecycle of the invoice.

At oAppsNET, we take a holistic approach to improving your AP process by first focusing on the people who will be the champions of your digital transformation process. The second steps are to review all AP processes without any technology to optimize the overall flow before applying technologies that actually improve the process

We start with listening to The Clients AP Team Members’ pain points. Then we architect a new business process with or without technology to reduce overall AP processing costs and maximize supplier discounts.

We re-architect the process flows without assuming any technology and then only applied technology when it actually improves the process versus forcing a technology when it was not required.

Finally, we focus on proven time and money-saving tasks and apply pinpoint technologies to improve your AP process:

Simplified AP Process Flows
Inter-departmental Collaboration
Automated Approvals
Advanced Invoice Routing
Personalized GL Coding Templates
Enhanced Duplicate Invoice Checking
Improved Invoice Visibility
Identify Issues Before Importing into your ERP system
Provide Self-Service Pages To Relieve AP of Common Requests

By following these steps, your company can transform your AP process and it will improve business relationships with your Suppliers and Partners, boost internal productivity for both AP and the Users of AP, reduce the number of days to process complex invoices, and thus increase profitability.

Ready to make a change?

Whether it’s a digital transformation or a transition from manually to an automated process either can bear and generate its own set of difficulties.

We understand that making these types of decisions take time and a lot of resource planning, contact us and find out if you qualify for an AP Automation Pre-Health Check.

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Twitter: @oappsnet

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